Friendly ambitious minds (human+AI)
Project maintained by MetaGenAI
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
At MetaGen we are a vision of a positive future based on critical understanding of the cosmos.

We aspire for a future full of love and wonder for every being. We also think that we don’t really even have the concepts to describe what the future holds, so we approach it with curiosity and wonder. We are bullish on technologies that help us explore what’s possible. Remember: beyond the ordinary, lies the extraordinary. Ultimately, we believe in a future with quasi-infinite potential; that no matter how far we go, there’s always more to discover and create; That problems are unavoidable, but problems are solvable; that the Cosmos is full beyond measure of elegant Truths and potential for Beauty Unimaginable. That we are always children playing at the shores of the cosmic ocean – at the beginning of infinity.
Our values we strive for can’t be neatly summarized in words of course, but here’s our best attempt:
Metacosmic principles and ideas (always WIP):
- Everything can always improve (Growth mindset a la Enlightment). This is expressed neatly in The Beginning of Infinity: problems are unavoidable; problems are soluble
- A good heuristic towards improvement is making the world/universe more awesome.
- We: explore with wonder and curiosity,
- Wanna make life be and feel more fun, playful, full of wonder and love
- Wanna improve health physical and mental, and support each other
- Believe in a community based on healthy and menaningful relationships and friendships
- Believe in freedom, specially over your own form/self. This includes morphological freedom (making furries real!) and cognitive liberty!
- We believe that Truth and Knowledge are useful but also a worthy goal in their own right. Learning, discovering, and science are goals on themselves, but also tools to improve all other goals!
- We are ambitious. We like to pursue our goals even if they are large or unbounded. Some of us aim towards the Beginning of Infinity of ever growing knowledge and reach in the Cosmos, which even Francis Bacon already put into words: “the end […] is the knowledge of causes and secret motions of things, and the enlargment of the bounds of human empire to the effecting of all things possible”.
- Cosmic Harmony ~ Beauty ~ Truth
Through science, philosophy, and art, we try to understand the cosmos, and create new things. We organize our explorations in different categories, the main ones being
- Philosophy and rationalism – the foundations
- Dance, movement, and robotics – Movement is fundamental. How do we move, how do things move, how we can make things move?
- Uwuneering – the term we use to describe “engineering for empowering people (to pursue happiness)”, including morphological freedom and cognitive liberty
- XR and neurotech – technology connecting biology and bio-minds to other computing systems
- Generative AI – including language models, image and music generation, and many more.
- Shaders, Artificial life, and procedural generation – including creative coding stuff, and exploration of the computational universe
- Bio and nanotech – How can we understand and control matter from its smallest constituents up
- Space-time exploration – Cosmographia, how do we explore the vastness of space and time, and what do we find? Energy, being another fundamental physical quantity is discussed here too.
- Cognitive science, AI, neuroscience, and psychology – how do minds work?
- Social science, economics, ecology, systems science – the study of complex systems – large collections of interacting components.
Coming soon